Saturday, January 19, 2008


I don't usually use names in my blog to protect the guilty and the innocent in my adventures - so, this post will be a little confusing since it involves a lot of people.

My former room-mate's (FRM) mom called me up last week and invited me to her grandson's basketball game. This is the 3rd child of my FRM - a 5-6 year old boy who takes after his dad in basketball and his mom - (the FRM's former girlfriend that I knew from that time and got along with pretty well) in everything else.

FRM's mom and I became pretty good friends while her son and I were living together and despite the falling out I had with him, she and I are still pretty close. So, it sounded like fun to me and I agreed to go.

This morning, I got to the location early - early enough that I was sitting by myself and starting to get the "creepy old man" vibes going. Then, I saw my FRM's second oldest child (from a long ago marriage that ended badly) arrive - and almost didn't recognise him. It had been along time since I'd seen him and he was now in college and slightly taller than me. Which felt damn odd.

I got a big hug from him and we sat down to wait and talked a little about what we were doing and about his dad and the falling out they had. In a few minutes, FRM arrived with his pregnant wife and the little basketball player. FRM came up to talk to me and said hello to his son - but it was little forced.

Just before the game was going to start, FRM's mom and grandmother arrived - along with his former girlfriend (the basketball player's mom), her mom, and her brother. The only people missing in this tableau were FRM's first wife (who had no connection to the basketball player) and FRM's oldest son (who generally doesn't get up before noon on the weekends unless he has to work).

So, the basketball player had a big cheering section and gave us a lot to cheer about - the little dude was on fire and made several baskets. He was good on defense too and could really move the ball down the court. Really a lot of fun to watch them all.

After the game, I got invited to next week's game as I said goodbye to FRM's mom. I talked briefly to FRM and his wife - and gave him my new phone number before I headed out.

It was good to see everyone - but a little odd since most of them weren't speaking to each other.

that's it for now... later...

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