Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Gray hair and restricted access

So, last night I discovered a gray hair on my chest. The gray on my head, well, I started getting that when I was a teenager. The gray in my beard, that's been within the past couple of years. The gray on my chest - that ticked me off. I'm only 32. How is gray chest hair fair? Dang-it.

In other news... I was heading out to a meeting this morning and I headed out the back door of the building, since it lead to a more direct route. This is essentially a one way door and I would need to use my swipe-card to get back in the building via a differnt door. No prob.

As I was getting back to the building, I noticed one of my colleagues step out that one-way door to have a cigerette break, proping the door open behind her. I smiled and waved - then headed in that direction. I figured she could let me in that door and I'd get a short-cut back to my office.

No can do. Apparently, once the building went swipe card access only, a rule was put in place prohibiting anyone from being let in through that door. And if anyone was let in that door, then the "smoking dock" (since it's the door for the loading dock) would be taken away.

Theoretically, I could have gone around the building and out through that door and joined her for a smoke - if I was a smoker - and then gone back in through that door that was propped open. But I'm not and I just went back to my desk.

Rules are rules. I understand and appreciate that. But, according to the letter of the law - should she have been allowed to prop open the door? Technically, she went outside via that door and then re-entered via that same door.

And what if I hold the door open for another colleage if I'm entering via the card-swipe door and they have their hands full? Should I require them to use their card, even if I know them and sit not more than 5 feet away from them? Would I be in the wrong - or would they?

It's not a big deal either way and I'm not even sure it's worth an entry in the blog. But, I thought it was odd and I figured that what this blog is all about anyway - documenting the odd.

I guess that's the problem with having so many rules. They have to cover every situation and they have to be enforced. Maybe it would work better to change the rule so that you can only let in people that you know work there and are allowed in. Or maybe just put a card swipe on that door too and have people swipe to get back in after a break. The current set up just seems a little weird to me.

In other news...I need a nap. But, instead, it's back to work...

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