Thursday, December 30, 2004


The drive into work was odd this morning. Nearly got run off the road by a bus who decided he wanted my lane in addition to his own. Had a stand-off with an ambulance.

Wait. That deserves some more explaination. An ambulance comes barrelling toward me and like a good driver I come to a halt to let him get past with plenty of options. Except, he comes to a halt too - about 2 car lengths away. We both sit there for a moment - me, trying to figure out what to do and him sitting there with all lights and sirens blazing. Finally, totally perplexed, I start to move forward. He waits until I'm clear, then turns into the driveway that I was ironically blocking. He might have had a turn signal on, but with all the rest of the lights going I couldn't tell. Bizzare.

And then when I got to work, I can't park more than halfway into a space since the snow plows did a poor job of clearing the snow.

In other news, I talked to Mom and my grandmother last evening. Mom is trying to plan for my upcoming birthday - and pretty much talking about me coming down after the actual date. Which is quite a bit differnt from what I thought we had planned - that being that they would come up for a visit before my birthday. We'll figure something out.

Well, time to get back to work...

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