Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Futon! and courtesy

First off - the futon part finally came in yesterday. I got it assembled and enjoyed sitting on it and reading. So, all is right in the realm of furniture - yea, me! I might still write an angry email, but it's not quite as vital anymore.

So, this morning, I'm in the parking lot and headed for the door to the building. A woman I sort of know is at the door ahead of me and uses her card to swipe the door open. I'm a few steps behind, but she doesn't even look back. I hustle and lunge at the door, but I'm slightly too slow - it slams in my face.

I then have to get out my wallet, get out my card, swipe open the door - all while trying to juggle my morning soda, a book, and my gloves. Nothing spills or drops, but I'm still annoyed.

Situation reversed - I would have held the door for her, even it she was still quite a ways further back than I was. It didn't occur to her to look around and see if anyone else was there.

Well, I was. And I was a little pissed off.

I think I've harped on this before, but it's all about focus. So many people around me are so totally in their little worlds that they miss out on tons of stuff, including the opportunity to be nice to other people. Makes me want to bust some heads, ironically.

Next time this happens, I'm going to shout to them and give them a mild lecture on courtesy.

And then maybe smack them too. "Dammit! Be nice or I'll smack you again!"

Back to work...
(quick note: saved for posterity from the Blogger main page...

Resistance is Futile
This news article at Reuters says 'Blog' Tops U.S. Dictionary's Words of the Year. We are the blog. Join us. – Biz [11/30/2004 03:13:51 PM]

I love that. :)

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