Wednesday, December 15, 2004

strange phone calls and wrapping

About a week ago I got a marginally coherent call from one of my room-mates ex-girlfriends. Or rather, I heard the marginally coherent message she left for him. I erased it, figuring that she would call back at some point and I could give her the update.

Well, last night she did. I answered the phone, she asked who it was and I told her, then asked "Is this V____? - knowing that it was her since I've got caller ID.

Click - she hung up on me. I swore at the empty line, then hung up.

A few hours later she called again. I answered again - heard her say "shit" - then she hung up on me again. By this point it's 10:30 and I'm getting cross. So, I called her back and she apoligized - saying that my number was close to her father's. I explained to her that my room-mate had moved out and I had no way to get in touch with her. She apoligized again and we said our good-byes.

Slowly, but surely, I'm getting all the chaos/debris cleaned up - though I didn't think it would take me this long.

In other news - I'm one package away from having everything wrapped. Not bad for Mr. Scrooge "Ba-Humbug" McScrooge. Not doing a tree this year, so everything is just on the floor, but at least it's done - or almost done. One more big and oddly shaped item to do.

That's it for me - time to get back to work...

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