Monday, December 13, 2004

shopping and the back

Well, did a little holiday shopping - whoa, nelly. Talk about things that sucked. A couple of places weren't that busy, but Target sure was and it was insane. Well, it was mostly the people that were insane. I didn't get much there so I could use the express checkout - but the aisles were still packed.

My temper started to build and by the end of that outing I was snarling under my breath. Yeah, it's silly and primative, but at least I wasn't cursing them in summerian. And if I had my sword with me - well, I'd be in jail now.

Didn't help that my back is still hurting - slowed me way down. And made me crankier. Ironic, really. I'm usually nicer than average through the year, but during the holidays when we're all supposed to be nicer, I get more ill tempered. It's all the freaking stress.

In other news...gave blood last week. This puts me at 24 pint = 3 gallons so far. I'm pretty pleased with that, though I think I would have liked a little fanfare or something. The woman that asked all the questions was nice, but the one that actually took my blood was really unpleasant. I guess was getting ready to go on break, but would it have killed her to be plesant about things? I don't think so.

Also moved some of my stuff into the big room in my apartment - I'm thinking of calling my former bedroom the "library" - and I think I've got enough books to justify it. Thinking about getting a papasan chair for in there as well.

Well, time to get back to work...

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