Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Film issues

I finished up the roll of film in my potentially suspect camera on Monday and took it into Walgreen - thinking to have it devleoped while I went down the street for comics. I handed the film to the girl at the counter and told her I needed these developed and that I also needed a digital copy as well. So, she filled out some stuff, handed me a claim stub, and pointed to the kiosk to the side for my digitial media. I got her stopped before I went too far and explained how I wanted a digital copy of the photos as well as single prints - on CD. "Oh," she exclaimed and took back my claim stub - then filled out some other stuff. She handed me a new claim stub and said that to get a CD it has to be sent out and that the photos would be ready... then she consulted the screen... "On September 17th"

So, I went from 1 hour to 5 days. Granted, I could have just gotten the single prints and scanned them at work. I was just trying to save myself some time and be.... oh, there's the problem. I was trying to be clever. That never works.

This means my website update will be even more delayed. Bummer.

Gave blood yesterday - got a little sleepy when I was actually giving, as usual, but I'm fine otherwise. The worst bit was taking the tape off the bandage this morning - I have hairy arms and while I didn't cry - it was a near thing. I'm up to 23 pints with this donation - closing in on 3 gallons. Maybe I'll get a pin.

That's it for now - back to work...

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