Thursday, September 16, 2004

Fifteen days...

Well, as of yesterday, my room-mate had 15 days to move out. He still hasn't said anything about it, but there was a notepad left out on the kitchen table with information about a house for sale. Can you really find and close on a house in a month? I guess he's going to try.

Bit of a headache today - didn't sleep well. I think I could easily go back home and sleep for a couple more hours.

Decided to find the best route to work - at least time-wise. Route A takes me 12 minutes and 2 seconds - from parking lot to parking lot - one way. I'll check it on the way home too, then try Route B tomorrow, if I can remember.

Guess that's it for me...lots to do today, but not a lot of motivation. Later...

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