Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Not sure where to begin...

I learned last night that my room-mates girlfriend has moved in - on a more or less permanent basis. She's been here for several weeks, but I was thinking it was a temporary thing. Not really upset about that - she's nice and we get along okay. She's also brought her dog, Sarge - a good sized boxer with a drool problem. And that's okay too - I'm a dog person.

And while this was temporary, I didn't have a problem with not updating the landloard - if she's a guest that shouldn't affect the lease. But, I had a vibe last night that I should make it official with the landlord - since her and the dog is a clear violation of the lease if she lives there now.

So, when she got home yesterday I told her I was going to talk to the landlord and make it official. I asked her when she had first moved in (to make any additional rent amounts retroactive) and to verify that it was just one dog, not both Sarge and Lulu.

I thanked her for the info and went on about my business. She called my room-mate and then he wanted to talk to me. I told him that I had a weird vibe and that I wanted to make things official with the landlord before he found out from someone else and "busted" us.

Turns out that my room-mate had already talked to the landlord, and that it was cool and we wouldn't be charged any additional rent. The landlord had sent him a letter offering to help them find their own place, which my room-mate wasn't interested in doing at the time.

I was taken aback and a little flustered. I don't think I've been so far out of the loop. Good that we didn't get in trouble for changing the terms of the lease, but why in the multiverse wasn't I told what was going on?

So, yea? We got off the phone and I got angry. Punched the walls a few times and then took what can only be described as an angry shower.

My room-mate called me back, apoligised for be terse with me - he'd been having a bad day. He said it was clear no one was comfortable there and that he and his girlfriend would find a place. (note the complete 180). I said I wasn't uncomfortable, but that I was ticked because all these things had been happening and no one told me. I fortuantly caught the underlying plan on that one as well - or what I thought was the underlying plan. Namely, "We'll move out and stick you with the full rent payment that you can't really afford as well as all the clean-up/repairs for things we've screwed up".

That's unfair, I guess, since I don't really know what his motivation is. In any case, I'm not quite as in the dark as I used to be - but there's still way more going on that I don't know about.

I guess we're back to normal, but this kind of behind-my-back-behavior has left a bad taste in my mouth.

So, I'm going to give it a little time - maybe after work settles down a bit and I get back from my trip - and then I'm going to move out and let them take over the place. And let them do the clean-up.

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