Monday, August 16, 2004

"Fight them like a peptide"

Very foggy this morning, crossing the "Y" bridge (so named for it's shape when seen from above, though the official name is "The All American Bridge") I couldn't see Akron until I was right up on it. First a wall of cloud, then the red of the stop light, then suddenly buildings appeared. Weird, but cool.

Saw a traffic accident recently. I was behind a car at a stop light and there was a car next to him in the other lane. The light turned green and both cars started going - assuming that the crazy lady in the cross traffic was going to stop, given that she had a red light by this point. Well, she didn't. She plowed right out into traffic and the guy in front of me slammed on his brakes to get stopped. She realized that she was doing it wrong and stopped too, but then decided to clear out of the intersection. Unfortunatly, the guy next to the one in front of me assumed that her stopping was a more permante thing and accelerated. And plowed right into the side of her car. I waited a moment until I could see everyone get out of their cars - unhurt but clearly pissed off. And then I carefully drove around them. It was the morning of the rainbow, though I doubt there's a connection - despite what Kermit might say.

Had a dream last night - actually several dreams but I can only remember part of one.
I was about to cross a zombie infested wasteland from the outpost to the main encampment and the guard at the outpost shouted out to me, "Remember what Mike Tyson said - Fight them like a peptide!"

For those of you playing along at home:

pep·tide - Any of various natural or synthetic compounds containing two or more amino acids linked by the carboxyl group of one amino acid to the amino group of another.

I strongly doubt Iron Mike would have said anything like that - but I got the feeling that the dream was in the future. So, it's possible that Mr. Tyson took an Organic Chemistry course while in prison and learned a few new things. And even if he did, it still doesn't make any sense.

In any case, a zombie nightmare does not bode well. For those just joining us, I have a zombie phobia and a zombie dream usually means that I'm under some stress and I'm not dealing with it well. Or maybe it's the sinus infection I'm fighting.

Back to work...

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