Friday, August 13, 2004

Haircut and updated link

Got my haircut the day before yesterday. Went to BestCuts - but not the BestCuts I normally go to. This one is closer to my home and I figured I'd save some time. I went in and signed in - then waited for someone to appear. And then, just for something to do, I waited a little bit more. Really regretting not bringing any paper to fold. Finally, a woman strolls out from the back and says I can have a seat in one of the stylists chairs and "betty" will be right out. So I sat in the chair and waited some more. Finally, Betty ambled out from the back room. She was a fearsome woman...with huge hair. Just huge. It had it's own gravity, in defiance of normal physics.

But the strangest was the accent. It was Deep, deep, deep dark south, by way of George Bush's Texas (he's an idiot, incidentally, by way of the 5th or 6th circle of hell. And she mumbled - and talked constantly - kind of like that Rose is a Rose is a Rose stream-of-conscious thing. I was reduced to smiling and nodding - which would have put my ears at a serious risk if she hadn't been using the clippers.

When all was said and blissfully done, the haircut turned out okay. Of course, I got the whole things buzzed evenly down to level one. Tough to screw that up. I paid in cash, and got my ass outta there before she launched into yet another mindless exposition.

It's always an adventure.

Oh, I also updated my web page with a link to this new blog - and posted a PDF of the sayings and quotes on my wall at work.

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