Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Bears and dogs

I guess this is turning into a dream journal of sorts, which is fine since it's frequently more interesting than real life. Last night I dreamed that my parents had hired a young man from Africa with an uncanny talent for getting water buffalo out of the road. As a business venture, they toured the midwest, getting paid for having him get cattle out of the road. (The cow whisperer?). I was along for the ride at one point and we helped a family, then stayed for dinner. At some point during the meal, the family bear wandered in and knocked me out of my chair, then started gnawing on my arm. I went limp, remembering that bears will kill, then let the carcass rot a bit to soften it up. By playing dead, the bear would lose interest for a while. It worked, and he wandered off. The family assured us he was "just playing" and got me a bandage for my arm. The bear came back again, surprised I was alive, and took me down again. I went limp again and it took him longer to give up. The third time, he reached underneath me and grabbed me by the balls. Testing me, I guess. I put myself in a trance to keep from moving, but this time when he started to wander off I got up and kicked him in the nose are hard as I could. The family was very upset that I had hurt their bear, but I swore at them and told my family we were leaving.

Later in the dream, my folks had my sister and I practice for a family Shakespeare competition. Which would be fine, except that the script was written on a cake in different colored icing. The cakes weren't in any pans, so when we had to move around to learn the blocking, chunks of the cake (and consequently, our lines) kept falling or getting smeared. My folks were getting upset with us and thought we were goofing around - and then I woke up. Quite relieved, I might add.

So, that covers the Bear. The Dog story happened in reality, or as close as I can ever get.
I went to bed at my usual time of 10:00 last night. I was just getting comfortable and settling in when the phone rang - must have been about quarter after 10. The phone is right by my ear and catapulted me from a restful state - it was my room-mates work calling with a stupid question. I got up and went to his room to confirm - and vent my displeasure at being awakened like this. He said they do that to the other managers as well - not realized that I didn't give a rat's ass what they did to other managers or even to him. They bothered ME - and I don't care in the least what goes on where he works. If his work calls again after 10 and I answer the phone before he does, I'm going to issue a threat of death at whoever I talk to. I've got one all picked out, it involves a Japanese sword and a variety of dumpster in the tri-county area.

I went back to bed and started to calm down a bit - and just as I did (maybe 10:40) - the dog(s) started barking. We've got 1.5 dogs living with us, and one that used to live there and is now being fostered with someone but likes to visit. They kept it up just long enough to drive me out of bed. I got dressed, got my keys and wallet, and went for a walk. Dairy mart first - for an ice cream bar and V-8 fruit splash. And then I just wandered around town for a while until I got settled down again. I got back home around 11:30 - brushed my teeth again, put earplugs in this time, and went back to bed.

And I find myself wondering why do I keep putting up with this. I've had the same room-mate for a long time and I think I've finally getting worn down.

Back to work...

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