Wednesday, August 25, 2004


Yesterday was busy. Meeting, training session, quick meeting, long meeting, working lunch, minor disaster. Fun fun fun. Today looks like training, meeting, lunch, training. Hope I have time to get to my actual job today.

Went out to eat at Olive Garden last night, good stuff. Shrimp and Crab ravoli and stuff mushrooms. I belonged to the clean plate club on that one.

Watched a little bit of the Olympics last night - saw the women win the beach volleyball, so that was cool. Worked on some origami flowers - and finally found my hot melt glue gun.

A pretty quiet evening - which is exactly what I needed. Of course, Sarge threw up on the floor and Lulu took a piss in front of the stairs, but even that wasn't as bad as it could have been. Though I am running low on carpet cleaner.

Had a dream last night that Jessica Simpson faked her own death and stayed hidden for a year - though I knew about it since I was involved in filming the promos for her return. Very surreal.

Oh, in one of the meetings yesterday, everyone acknowledged my title of Master of Space and Time - which I thought was nice. They also kept referring to "anthony magic" - a generic term that represents working my ass off for some tedious project that's given to me at the last nano-second.

Well, looks like I'd better get to it. The magic doesn't happen by itself.

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