Monday, August 30, 2004

Dad's birthday

Spent last weekend with the 'rents for Dad's birthday- had an okay time. Everyone was really busy with stuff, so I spent quite a bit of the time just hanging around. I had a good book with me, so that was okay.

Got home and found that one of the dogs had eaten through one of my DVD cases - a cool one too, part of a box set. And I also found that my room-mate's oldest son had move into our basement, using my old mattress and box springs. All the rest of my stuff was shoved off to the side. Funny how I'm never really told about these things and I have to find out on my own.

So, I'm finally going to do it. I'm going to write my letter to the landlord today about moving out - we have to give 30 days notice. I'll pay my rent this week and find a new place. Not going to make a big deal out of it, but I'm just going to do it.

Today is the first day of classes around here - time to get back to work. It'll be a busy day.

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