Sunday, February 03, 2008

party, basketball, swim, work, super bowl, game

Went out to dinner yesterday with a bunch of friends for a birthday party - the restaurant was called Bricco and it was by far the most trendy place I have ever been to. The conversation was great and the food was pretty good. And the dessert? Weapons grade cheesecake. Damn. It was really, really good. The person sitting next to me didn't finish theirs - and I could not allow such ambrosia to go to waste. Yes, it was really that good.

Yesterday morning I went to my FRM's son't basketball game. And for a 5 year old? He's got skills. On two occasions, he stole the ball and ran it down the court, and then made a basket. He was on fire. The funniest part of the whole game was when he had the ball as the ref started counting down the seconds to the half. At "one", the little dude turned threw the ball as hard as he could at the basket at the far end of the court. He was looking for the "buzzer-beater" but of course the ball didn't get much past mid-court. I laughed my ass off - it was really cool.

I was there at the invite of FRM's mother and former girlfriend - the basketball player's mom. FRM showed up, but didn't sit with us as he is still not talking to his mom. Or his other two sons, apparently. Sad - but also a little funny because it's so ridiculous.

Swam last week - did a mile on Friday. The pool was configured differently so it was 32 laps to the mile - making each lap just a little further than I'm used to. I was tired when done, but it was a good swim.

Work has been crazy busy - busy, busy, busy. And the toughest part is that no one is listening to me. Seriously. People keep coming up with all these plans and the come to me and I politely explain how everything they are doing will make things so much worse. And they just as politely tell me they are doing it their way anyway. Irksome.

I think the super bowl is on now - but I really think I'd rather blog than watch it. It's just so... ordinary. So much endless hype and so little substance. It's one think to watch the game in person and feel the excitement of the crowds, but on TV it seems kinda bland.

I've been playing a game called Dragon Quest 8 - standard RPG fare. Pretty good though and fun. The dialog is a little silly and so are the monsters, but I'm still enjoying. It's been a pretty quiet day today - mostly laundry and video games. Guess that's it for now...

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