Friday, February 29, 2008

elliptical, work, snoopy, zombie, lost, taxes

I used the elliptical trainer again on Tuesday - and it's starting to make the same noises it did just before it locked up again. If/when it does, I'm going to insist on a new machine. It's only a few months old and it doesn't get used that hard.

Work has been busy, though we did have a snow day earlier this week that I pretty much wasted with video games. I was wildly unproductive.

Got a new game last night - Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron. It's a little silly, but still pretty cool. All the missions are flying and involve some kind of combat. The voices sound like the Peanuts cartoon and are already getting a little old, but the controls are solid and the explosions are plentiful.

I had a zombie nightmare this morning - bad enough to wake me up before the alarm went off and kept me up. I was stumbling around in a dark kitchen, trying to feel for a knife I could use to destroy all the undead in the basement. Yes, I'm aware that's the dumbest thing I could do - I should have just gotten out of the house and found a weapon somewhere else. Instead, I finally found a knife, then rejected it as being too small and dull - as if I really had the luxury of being picky. I picked up another knife and turned - only to be attacked by the first zombie that had made it up the stairs. I fought it off and laboriously sawed it's head off. Then I headed for the basement to destroy the rest of the them and woke up as I was headed down the stairs.

I'm rarely that stupid in my dreams - not sure if this means anything or not, but it can't be good.

Watched Lost last night - and had a low grade argument with my room-mate. He keeps throwing out these terms to explain what's going on in the show and I'm fairly convinced he's using them wrong. Last night's episode cleared up a lot of the mysteries for me - it was almost disappointing in a way - but I think I need to do a powerpoint for my room-mate.

Finally, I tried to do my taxes on our snow day, but I got stuck since I moved last year and the city taxes - the most unreasonably complicated part of the process - were even more complicated than usual. I may have to bite the bullet and take them somewhere to be done this year.

That's it for now. Time to get back to work...

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