Sunday, February 24, 2008

dreams, bones, dremel, snow, cat

Had some funky dreams recently...

1. I was on vacation with my parents and had stayed up much later than they did. I noticed a bump on my fingertip that, when I squeezed it, released a spray of clear fluid and a huge chunk of what I first thought was nerve tissue but later decided was kelp. Another bump shot out a lump of tissue that must have taken up a sizable amount of matter within my finger, but like the kelp, didn't impact the size, shape, or mass at all. My dad walked past to go out and walk the dog - he asked if anything was wrong. It didn't hunt other than the initial pinch and it was too weird otherwise, so I just told him "no" and he went on his way.

2. I also dreamed that I was at a family reunion held in the stockrooms of a mall. We got locked in by some kidnappers and a few of us began to plot an escape plan that involved me faking a heart-attack. The idea was that I would be released to go to the hospital and I'd catch the kidnappers by surprise and attack - while also providing a distraction for the rest of my family to attack as well. While getting ready, my great-grandmother and were talking she wished she could be the one to fake the attack and go out and fight back. I joked that I wished I had my swords with me and that we could both go after them. She was really excited about that notion and gave me a big hug.

In other news... I started watching the series "Bones" on DVD at the recommendation of my sister and brother-in-law. Really good show - well written and a lot of fun. I especially like the main character of Bones with her almost super-human power of observation over a very narrow spectrum of the universe. Her phrase "I don't know what that means", delivered so matter-of-factly on the most mundane of topics, is a simple and powerful step inside her character. She is so amazing good at her job, but at a cost that for now, she's seems willing to pay. Only saw two episodes last night, but I'm planning on watching more soon.

And with my hand healed up, I fired up the dremel again yesterday. Made some more progress on the swords, but got tired of the noise. I've got another project in mind as well for today - if I've got the materials.

Oh, and I shoveled some snow off the drive way. the landlord is supposed to do that - along with cutting the grass in the summertime. Neither of those happen as frequently as we would like.

Finally, I noticed some odd animal tracks yesterday. Not an odd animal, I think it was a cat, but odd in placement. The tracks started with four together right outside the middle of the garage door. There was another set near the edge that lead in the garage. So, based on the placement and the timing, I think we had a cat in the garage overnight. While I don't really mind giving a bit of shelter to an animal, even inadvertently, I don't think I'd like them to make the transition from garage to apartment. So, I'll need to be a bit more vigilant, at least for the rest of the winter.

that's it for now...

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