Monday, March 03, 2008

car show, roads, flowers

I went to a car show with a couple of friends last evening. It was the last day for the show and we didn't get there until around 6 - and the show closed at 8:00. And it was disappointing. All the cars pretty much looked like cars. The trucks looked like trucks, the SUVs looked like SUVs. Only a couple of concept cars and though they looked kinda cool, they were still essentially cars. Nothing really innovative. I saw a touch screen display that mentioned some futuristic cars - so I played with that until I got to some sketches for a "no holds barred imagination" design. It looked pretty cool - and the wheels were just spokes! Looked like some kind of hover car or variable traction smart wheels or something. The final design? An ordinary car with ordinary wheels.

We were still there when they started shutting down the lights - I thought security was going to have to drag the car nuts I was with out of the cars, but we got out unscathed.

In other news... The roads this morning were terrible. Not icy, but covered in potholes. There are a couple of spots that are really bad on my way to work. I thought I was going to get lost in there a few times. And forget listening to a CD in my car - there's no skip protection in the world that could help with my commute.

On Friday, one of the student assistants that I work with mentioned that she was trying to find a particular flower that her family exchanges this time of the year. She seemed a little disappointed and maybe a little homesick - so, I found a design on the 'net and got some supplies - and folded about 50 small flowers. A little hot-melt glue on a branch from a craft store - and a small vase with some rocks - and it was ready to go. Should be a nice surprise when she gets in. I'll try to get photos tomorrow.

I guess that's about it for now... back to work...

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