Tuesday, April 03, 2007

work, sunshine, books, pecos bill

Work has been really busy recently - mostly surveys and survey software demos. I think I'm keeping up with it all, but seems like we keep getting wave after wave of small changes. Hey, job security.

We've also got to sign the same conflict of interest form we sign every year. Last time, I tried to get it turned into an electronic document - with no success. I'd really like to just check a box somewhere that says, "it's still the same as last year" - but we can't do that either. It's such a waste of time and paper.

The weather has been excellent recently and I've spent some time outside enjoying it after work. Did some reading - including a couple of zombie novels and the really excellent Daywatch book - sequel to Nightwatch, naturally. I'm looking forward to some backyard soccer and Frisbee.

A couple weeks ago, my sister and brother in law called me as I was headed off to bed. They were trying to remember lyrics/storylines to Pecos Bill and Big Bad John, respectively. So, I fired up my high-speed internet and looked them up. And then, read/sang them aloud.
That was pretty much the conversation, so we all said good-night and went to sleep.

Not too much else going on - except that I'm swimming 12 laps now without too much trouble. I think I need to stick with that for a while until I increase my speed.

That's it for now... back to work...

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