Monday, April 23, 2007

zombies, swimming

I had a dream the other night that I was being over-run by zombies. Which is, unfortunately, nothing new in my dreaming world. This time, I had a solution. I had found a copy of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein in which the monster is brought to life with lightning AND a Latin incantation. So, I theorized that applying this "life-giving" combination to the already undead would make them human again. I woke up before I had a chance to try it out, but I was so excited that I lay there until I fell back asleep so I could try it out. It worked like a charm. We sprayed the zombies with water, then one of the other survivors hit the with electricity while I said the incantation. The zombies, normally unaffected by the electricity, fell over and became human again. Those that were too far gone died all the way at that moment, a few had to be put down to end their suffering, but a large number were still "fresh" enough to survive. I woke up again feeling quite chipper - which is a change from the after-effects of most of my zombie dreams.

I went swimming recently and got a surprise, they had re-configured the lanes. Instead of 25 yards, it was now 50 meters. Needless to say, I was freaking tired when I got done. Turns out I was actually close to 1/2 mile - only one long lap away.

So, I resolved that the next time I swam, I was going to go a full 1/2 mile. The pool was still configured the long way and I knew I needed to go 8 laps. About a 1/4 of the way through my last lap, I noticed some people standing by the side of the pool. I swam over to them and told them that when I came back through past them, I would have a 1/2 mile. I asked if they wouldn't mind cheering a bit for me. They laughed and agreed to cheer me on.

As I came past them again, heading for the finish line, they started clapping and cheering. I gave them a wave of thanks and same to the end of the pool. I got out and thanked them as I walked past - they congradulated me. So, I recruited my own little cheering section and it worked out well.

The lanes have been put back and I've gone back to swimming less than a 1/2 mile - mainly because I'm not fast enough yet to get the laps done in the time I have. I'm getting faster and I should be able to that distance during my regular lunch hour.

That's about it for now... later...

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