Tuesday, April 10, 2007

AT&T, nightmare, church, weekend

So, I got a bill from AT&T last night. A Final Bill Revised. That alone was enough to annoy me. I've had some issues with AT&T in the past - once they delayed connecting my long distance call to give me a brief commercial - and they got an angry email from me about that. This time, though, was after I'd already canceled my service. I got a Final Bill, paid it, then got a collection notice a few days later. I called and they said the notice went out before they got my check - and that I now has a zero balance. So, the Final Bill Revised - with a charge of $.32 - was really annoying. I called and found out they had a "billing error" and that the charge would be removed. I asked that they send me a paid in full notice for my records and they said they would.

What I don't get is why I'm still in the system. I canceled my service, paid my final bill, and had a zero balance. Should be case, and account, closed. So, I'll wait for my letter and see what happens.

I had a bad dream last night - actually several, but only one really sticks out. Or in, as the case may be. In the dream, I discovered that I'd - at some point - laid down on a bunch of upholstery tacks. These are like thumb tacks, except longer and with a spiral screw-type shape. I didn't just get poked, they were screwed into my back by my own weight when I lay on them. I didn't notice them until I looked in a mirror and saw what they were and noticed the infection. So, I spent the rest of the dream trying to find someone to help me unscrew them and pull them out. Each person I would find would pull one out, but then get freaked and refuse to do any more. And I had dozens of them in my back - some so deep the infected skin was starting to cover them. Not much pain as I remember, but scary - especially since I couldn't reach them.

Which is actually a little odd since I'm limber enough to reach all of my back. I still had a lot of tacks in my back when I woke up - it was damn odd.

Over the past weekend, I went to visit my folks, my sister and my brother-in-law for Easter. We hung out, watched some movies, and went to a couple of church services. Not really my cup of tea (normally, green tea with mango) - but it was okay.

One of the movies we watched was I, Robot - which I've seen and I enjoyed - but one bit really stuck with me. The head engineering says this about robot evolution:

"When does a perceptual schematic become consciousness? When does a difference engine become the search for truth? When does a personality simulation become the bitter mote... of a soul? "

Heavy stuff. Well, that's about it for now, time to get back to work...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, what did you eat that night that gave you such a bad dream? Hope the rest of your week went well and that you have a nice weekend.