Tuesday, April 17, 2007

blood, jacket, fable, sushi

I went and gave blood yesterday and though I had an appointment, things still didn't really go smoothly. No one really wanted to jump in front of someone else that had walked in just because they had an appointment. It was a little awkward. Also, I had a trainee taking my blood. She was a little nervous, but did okay. The idiot in the chair next to me kept asking stupid questions and had a trainee that did not do a great job. Karma, I guess.

Anyway, I thought it was weird that a known "busy" location would have two trainees, a supervisor, and only one regular person taking the blood. Slowed things down quite a bit. The actual process was pretty easy, I usually don't have much trouble.

And I got a nifty cool jacket out of the deal - I wore it to work today.

Played fable last night, beat the arena and spared by rival (thus earning a pile of respect) and then overthrew the mayor of Bowertown after talking to her sister's ghost and learning the Terrible Truth. It was exhausting. :)

I'm headed for Sushi today with the rest of the webteam. Should be fun.

Well, got a bit of work to do before we leave, better crank up the Britney Spears and get back to it. :) later...

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