Tuesday, March 27, 2007

random updates

The doctor visit went fine... some highlights:

The preliminary checks were done by a young woman who turned out to be pre-med. She asked where I worked and I told her "The University of Akron, webteam." Then I paused and continued, "I'm a geek". She responded cheerfully that, "I'm a geek too - I'm pre-med at UA"

I was a little puzzled by her jumping of the logic tracks, but I went along with it.

The doctor didn't recognize from my last trip there - "That was you?" he exclaimed. He verified that my symptoms were consistent with a bad migraine and gave me a prescription. He said his nurse would help me with a referral for an oral surgeon for my TMJ - though I haven't heard back from them yet.

I couldn't find my insurance card, but it was okay at the doctor's office. However, when I went to get the prescription filled, they insisted on having it. Which is dumb - they could have looked me up based on my last name - there's only three of us in the state. Nope - so, I had to waste a trip back there to get the over priced drugs. Which I'm only supposed to take if my head starts to get really bad.

I've had a couple migraines since then, including one that ran and hid in the presence of motrin, then came back later on the other side of my head. And my jaw is still not quite right.

But, on the positive side of things - I'm swimming even better than before. The boss was gone for the day recently and I took a little longer lunch and did 12 laps. Felt pretty good afterward.

Read some kick-ass zombie books that didn't give me nightmares - then read the book DayWatch - which did mess up my sleep. And it wasn't even as scary.

I beat the game "God of War2" - and was a little disappointed in the ending. It was too much of a set up for GoW3. Sort of like the ending to Pirates of the Caribbean (sp?) - 2. The movie was totally a set up for 3.

Working on a project at home for a big box for my cranes - plexiglass is the name of the game.

Work is busy - but I'm getting a lot accomplished.

I guess there's more stuff to talk about, but I need to get back to it. I'm going to try and get back into the habit of blogging. I think it's good for me.

back to work...

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