Wednesday, April 04, 2007

haircut, windchime

I did some running around yesterday - first to the DMV for an address change. I went the "Fill out the form and send it in for free" rather than the pay $19.50 to do it there. I missed my turn pulling into the place and ended up in some fairly not good parts of Akron. Had to use the "fundamental interconnectedness of things" method of navigation - find someone who looks like they know where they are going and follow them. As before, worked like a charm and I was back on track in no time.

I also went and bought a windchime stand which might end up annoying the neighbors. The windchime, not the stand - although it's a contributing factor.

Then, time for a haircut. And considering how indecisive I was, it's a wonder I didn't come out of there with a frosted tipped mohawk. Really unlike me, but luckily the stylist was indecisive as well and we muddled about until I just ended up with shorter hair.

That's about it for now... back to work...

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