Friday, May 26, 2006

things that are odd...

1. Recently, I was driving along and the car in front of me suddenly slammed on their brakes as a hand extended out the driver's side window. After a slight hesitation, the hand extended a finger and pointed to the right, over the top of the car. They then proceeded to make a right turn.

There is a slight possiblity that their turn signals didn't work - however, the brake lights were fine and the car seemed to be in good condition. It's a little more likely that the person was simply a dork.

2. Yesterday, also while in a car, I saw a man mowing a lawn in a t-shirt and pajama bottoms. How do I know that they weren't just light-weight sweats? Because I have a pair just like them. Very strange.

In other news... don't be fooled by subways new "garlic bread". Being a fan of bread in general and especially of garlic bread - I thought I'd give it a go with maybe a meatball sub. Ah, but no. "It's not garlic bread, " my sandwich artist tells me, but meerly a spread that can be added to the exisiting breads. Taken aback, I quickly changed my order to the very bland standard. If it had just been garlic butter, I might have gone for it, but the consistancy was all wrong and I avoided it. As the sandwich moved through the process, I had a difficult time convincing the artists to not put extra stuff on. I finally had to tell them "extra plain" - which got a slight laugh and let me move on with my life.

It's been fairly quiet here at work today. One of my colleages' last day here is next wednesday, so we've been trying to get stuff organized.

I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend - maybe even doing a little hiking if the crowds aren't bad. Almost makes me hope for rain since I'll walk in the rain and not many other people will.

Well, I guess that's it for now. Back to work...

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