Monday, May 08, 2006

card, ear, contacts, game

This weekend, I decided to pick up a couple of Mother's Day cards - one for my mom and one for my grandmother. I was in the grocery store card aisle and picked up a card with snoopy on it. I'm not big on mushy cards and I usually go for humor unless it's a card for someone having died. So, Snoopy is usually a non-mushy choice and I figured I was half-way done. To my horror, I opened the card and a literal shower of glitter poured out. The lights above the rack made it almost glow - as though Tinkerbell had been by earlier and had taken a crap in the card.

I hastely put the card back though the damage had been done. A woman standing nearby asked, "Bad card?" as though I'd taken the time to see the written content and been troubled for some reason. I simply replied "too much glitter" and spent the next few minutes trying to brush myself off. And as my sister will attest - it's a futile exercise. She has a glitter-phobia.

After much careful searching, I finally found two cards with a minimum amount of glitter (i.e. none) - though since the cursed stuff had already eaten its way into my skin, my perceptions may have altered.

Overall, tramatic.

In other news, I think I'm going to get my ear re-pierced today. I haven't worn one in a while and the whole has closed over. Hoping they can "re-activate" the existing hole with a minimum of pain.

My contacts are bothering me again. My eyes seem really dry and I'm begining to wonder if the "cold" is really an allergy springing up. Get it? It's spring time and the allergy is "springing up"? Yeah, I didn't think it was that funny either.

Playing Prince of Persia The Two Thones last week. Had to race a chariot though an obstacle course and once I'd finally survived that one, faced off with two huge monsters. Got my ass royally kicked. Tried a couple more times, got frustrated and stopped. Fired it up later and had to restart from the chariot race. Ass kicked, again.

Went online and looked up the cheat section on how to beat the two monsters. Tried to follow the advice - ass kicked again, though I did get a few hits in. And this is on the heels of a huge and complicated puzzle - and while on the "easy" setting. I dunno know about this game - I think it's stopped being fun - which means I'll stop playing it and most likely sell it. It's too bad, the time travel elements are pretty sweet.

Well, I guess that's about it for now - got a busy day ahead of me and a potentially 4 hour long meeting this afternoon. "Alex, I'll take 'Things that suck' for a thousand"


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