Wednesday, May 03, 2006

sick, sore, hating traffic, meeting

Still sick. Not much more to say about that.

Strangely sore. Got a weird ache on my left side, just above and below my collarbone. No idea why it's sore, but I've tried stretching and rubbing it to no avail. I noticed it yesterday and thought I'd slept funny, but it hurt when I went to sleep last night and it's still hurting this morning. Shouldn't another nights sleep cancel it out somehow if that was the case? I'm going to try heat tonight if it's still bothering me.

So, I'm driving into work, heading down a four lane one-way street. Well, three and a turn lane. I'm not turning and I'm in the correct lane to proceed forward, fully aware that we've only got two lanes across the interection to work with since one is closed for the musuem construction. I'm stopped at a light behind several cars and though it seems like it's taking forever, there's at least a good song on the radio and I'm doing okay. Light turns green and we start across the intersection, only to get stopped halfway. Turns out that the construction is now taking up two of the three lanes - including mine.

I freaking hate that. Just freaking hate it. Streets are for cars to drive upon. Don't block my lane to unload mulch or deliver a precious moments figurine - get out of the way and park. Seems like freaking common courtesy to me.

Anyway, I'm stuck out in traffic until the only open lane clears enough to let me through. And then, joy of joys - I arrive at work. We've got two meetings today - 3.5 hours total. Dramatic sigh.

So, I guess I should get back to work and try to get something productive accomplished. I have high hopes that the sun will come out tomorrow (tomorrow) and that I'll have a better day.


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