Sunday, April 09, 2006

walk, sights, taxes, trip

Yesterday, I went for a walk. I needed to use my computer at work to finish up some stuff with my taxes and decided that since it looked like a nice day, I'd walk there. Now, I've walked home before when my battery died, but I got a ride later to get the car back. This would be the first "there and back again" trip for me.
I started out at 9:10 am with a hooded jacket, a pocketful of paper and I backpack with my documents. The wind was a little chilly, but not too chilly. On the trip I noticed:
a): A kitten in the window of a printing business, rolling around in the sunshine. It noticed me, but I didn't stay to make friends. It looked happy and healthy, so it must have lived there the whole time. Most people see more of their pets on the weekends - in this case, the opposite was true.
b): I saw some grafitti that had clearly been done by stencil. The lettering was in the "standard" grafitti style, but there was a dark rectangle around it of no paint, and then overspray beyond that edge. Seemed kind of pathetic - though I guess it made it easier to "tag" a larger area.
I got to work at 10:40, got a soda and some chips and played Diablo for a bit to relax. Then I dove into the taxes and did a ferocious battle with the needlessly complicated city taxes. It was worse than both the state and federal combined. In any case, they go in the mail tomorrow.
A little more Diablo and a couple of emails later and I decided to stop at the ATM on my way back so I could get some food.
The trip back seemed to go a little faster, though I didn't really time it. The distance, according to Yahoo Maps was 4.7 miles one way. So, not a bad bit of exercise - though I did stop at Wendy's and got some chicken nuggets.
I got home, finished my lunch and relaxed for a bit with some video games. My aunt called, and a with a small degree of convincing, I took a shower and hopped into the car for the 2 hour 40 minute drive to my parents house - where she and my uncle were staying the night after dropping off my grandmother for a 2 week visit. I don't get to see my extended family much - so this was a nice, if somewhat short, visit.
My aunt, my uncle, and his son headed back to Illinois this morning and the rest of my family is as church. I'll most likely head down here again next weekend for easter.
That's about it for now...going to wrap this up and hang out with the dogs for a bit...

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