Tuesday, April 04, 2006

time change, nerd, plant, glue, eye exam

First up, the time change. As the master of Space and Time, I should be fine with it - or at least in control. But sadly, that is not the case. I finally got all the time-pieces in my apartment up to speed, with two exceptions:

1. My watch. Somehow, while clearly not paying attention, I advanced my watch by 1 hour and 1 day, instead of just 1 hour. Yes, I was on crack or something. What makes it worse? I can't rewind the date indicator. I tried to wind it all the way around, but only got a few days in the future before I got ticked and pulled the pin. As a consequence, I can't use my watch until 8:00 AM, Thursday morning. The rest of the world is just going to have to fend for itself until then.

2. I have a clock that shines on the ceiling in the dark - and is also supposed to automatically set itself based on some radio signal. Well, it didn't do anything as far as resetting goes, so I unplugged it with the idea that a reset would get me the correct time. No such luck - it's just glowing on the ceiling with FF:FF - which I think means something not very nice.

So, I'm going to have to dig out the manual and set the time myself. Dang it.

In other news... as promised, here are the Nerd Photos:


Scary, huh?

Don't know if I've mentioned this or not, but I repotted my Lucky bamboo into a larger container. It's still alive and growing nicely.

More progress on the big origami - I've glue together over 100 units. It's slow going as I have to plan ahead and not glue myself into a corner where I can't fit my hands.

And finally, the eye exam. Some brief notes...

1. Didn't allow quite enough time to get to the new doctor's office.
2. Directions were not very precise.
3. Went to VisionCare - should have been at Valley Vision.
4. Hillarity ensues
5. Get to correct eye doctor and fill out forms
6. Take some cryptic eye exams, get slightly pissed off.
7. Find out my insurance sucks
8. Find out my eyes are okay.
9. No further action needed - still have same glasses and contacts.
10. If I want new contacts, I'll need to go to my previous eye doctor and get the specifications - which makes no sense to me. Why not measure my eyes and go from there?

The doctor was fine and then news was good, I suppose. But I didn't walk out of there feeling like I'd had an entirely good experience. Oh well, that's what happens when your insurance changes make you change things.

And that's about it for now - back to work...

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