Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Sunday lunch, glue, duck

On Sunday, while I visiting my family - I fixed lunch while they were at church. While in and of itself it isn't a big deal - but considering how infrequently I cook, this was something of a big deal. I made taco salad and everyone seemed to enjoy it. And I even helped with dishes.

I worked on my project last night and made some significant progress. Still a long way to go, but it's getting easier to hold the shape in my head and I'm having to dwell less on the construction of each area.

The hot tub that my parents came with a small rubber duck - which my folks gave to me the first time I visited after they got the hot tub. I promptly forgot it. They gave it to me again over the weekend and I forgot it again. This time...the duck is mine.

That's it for now, back to work...

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