Thursday, April 27, 2006

sick, meeting, cranky

Last evening, the cold that's been mildly pestering me for a while now decied to ramp up and really make me sick. Mostly a cough, but some congestion as well. So, I took some Robo-tussin last night to help me sleep and I'm DayQuill today. Well, DayQuill and Fruit Breezers those thing are excellent.

We've got our Monday afternoon meeting today. It had been resceduled to Wednesday due to a conflict in scheduling and then rescheduled again for today since a member of the team was out sick. I'd like to be out sick as well, but I think this will be a "fate of the webteam" meeting - so, I think I should be here. Too bad it's in the afternoon, I'm here for the long haul if I want to go to it.

In other news - I'm cranky. This morning I was pissed at the people that backed their cars into the parking spaces even though - a) no one was doing it as I pulled in and b) no one took more than their single space. I was just cranky based on what people usually do - instead of the reality of the day. I think I'm going to blame it on being sick.

Well, I should try to keep busy...back to work...

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