Saturday, April 22, 2006

visted, lost wallet

On Friday, one of our former co-workers came back for a visit. A couple of us had lunch with him and then hung out - talking for another hour. I was able to get caught up before hand, so the extra time didn't cause any problems. He's doing well and likes his job, but doesn't like the town where he lives. It was good to see him and I think he'll try to stop by again sometime soon - his family is all in the area so it may be doable.

Last evening I had dinner with some friends. It was pouring when I got out of my car and I had to struggle with my coat. Without realizing it, I lost something. Later that evening, as I was getting ready to leave, I realised I didn't have my wallet. I had hoped it was in my car, but a through search of the car and the house yielded nothing. Worried and feeling down, I gave up the search and headed home - where I discovered two things. One, my landlord is raising my rent yet again and two, I had a message on my machine. It was the bank where I had parked my car last night. The message left a name, phone, number, hours they would be open today - and like Pandora's Box - Hope.

I called them this morning and confirmed that they did have my wallet. Back in the car, I headed to the bank, my head filled with facts to confirm my identity. Instead, I walked in an identified myself by name and the girl produced my wallet and identified me by my picture.

I thanked them for finding it and keeping it safe - then gave them some origmai that I had made and brought along. They were surprised, but gracious.

The wallet was fine - and even the money was still in there ($7.00)

I guess if you have to lose a wallet - a bank parking lot is not a bad place to do it.

That's it for now - and though it's a Saturday, I think I may do a little work. Later...

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