Wednesday, March 08, 2006

language, swearing, paper, and a headache...again

Yesterday, while standing in line - which I just really enjoy, of course - the guy at the front of the line was having trouble placing his order. He was from somewhere else and his english wasn't strong. The clerk ended up having to void out his order and start over.

It got me thinking about languages - and why there are so many of them. I wonder how much time has been lost and how many problems have been created by not being able to understand each other. And even stranger is how languages tend to diverge with regional dialects. Might be interesting enough for a master's thesis.

I was also thinking about swearing - and what a strange concept it is. Some people would use the most foul language as part of their everyday conversation - and another might be on the phone to the FCC at the mildest utterance. Kids use the word poop, dookie is a viable slang term, crap is gaining acceptance - but "sh*t" is still a bad word. All of them mean to defecate. Is it the audience? If so, it's not universal. Is it the tone? I could shout "Defecate!" the next time my computer freaks out and my colleagues would laugh. If I shouted, "Sh*t!" - I would be scolded. I think this is a topic that deserves more thought - but I've got other things to cover.

I think I've miscounted my paper - I've only got a small stack left and it "feels" like I should have more. I think I'll need to count again tonight - don't want to run out mid-assembly.

I ordered a game from - God of War. I've borrowed and played it before and it was a blast - but I haven't been able to find it for under 45 bucks. Amazon had it for $19.99 - and it should be waiting for me when I get home. Yea!

Though I'm not sure I should play it right away. The cluster headache came back last night around 9:30. I was in bed not long after that - and got awakened by a phone call at about quarter after 10 from a friend. I wanted to talk - but explained that I was hurting and really couldn't. So, we kept the converation short and I eventually went back to sleep.

The headache is still with me this morning - lurking behind my right eye. I'm taking it slow and easy today and I'm hoping that it fades out.

And that's about it...time to get back to work...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I prefer to say "poo."
Also, check out the tower of Babel in reference to the different languages out there.
I should take you to an amusement park and make you wait in a long long line just for a pretzel. I think that would help you get over your hatred of lines. We'd make it fun, making fun of people as we inch along. :)