Monday, March 06, 2006

catching up again

It's been a few days since I've blogged - got a bit to catch up on.

1. Last weeks headache. I'm prone to headaches (it's all that thinkin I do, dontcha know?) - so having one is almost no big deal. This one, however, lasted about 36 hours. It was only really bad for a few of those hours, but it was enough to keep me home from work for a day. And that was a very boring day - since DVD's and Video games were both out. And I tried to keep reading to a minimum too. So, lot of paper-folding.

2. Which brings me to topic two - the big origami project. I'm up to 680 modules folded. Which means I've got about 88 to go before it's time to start putting it all together. I'm not sure what happened to my notes - might have to recreate them before I start.

3. The Flash is still not back on the stands. I haven't bought any comics at all since they stopped making the flash. Rumor has it that they'll start the new Flash series in the summer by killing off the current Flash and replacing him. Wankers. DC Comics is going to get a harsh email from me, I think.

4. Coca-cola is coming out with Coke Blak. In addition to not being able to spell - it's also going to be a mix of Coke and Coffee. I can imagine going to a returant and having to ask for my coke plain. Wankers.

5. Came into work yesterday to check on a project and work on a few things. Wasn't as productive as I could have been, but I think it was still worthwhile.

And that's about it for now...back to work...

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