Monday, March 27, 2006

dream, hair, fog-free, near dark, tub, taxes, eyes

I had a dream over the weekend that my grandfather on my Dad's side was alive again. Some kind of genetic quick-cloning kind of thing. He was in a good mood and was helping us get ready for a family picnic. He keep freaking out my grandmother, especially when the phone would ring and they would both pick up differnt extensions in the house. While he and I were talking, he got up to get a couple of beers (both for himself) and we talked about making plans to go visit his grave. I think we were both a little weirded out by the notion, but he figured it was something he needed to do.

I also dreamed I rode a bike to Pittsburg to drive someone to a concern. Don't know what either of those mean.

In other news, I've been letting my hair grow out in preperation for a reprise of the "nerd" role. It's been delayed until this week and I'm way over-due for a cut. To the point that, over the weekend, someone bumped into me in Target and my hair reacted defensively and gave my "attacker" a wedgie. Okay, so, that's not even remotely true - but I did turn someone to stone with a glance. Okay, that's not true either - but I do need to get it cut.

Finally found a fog-free mirror this weekend - and not some phoney or fake thing either. This is the real deal, with the water running down the back to keep the mirror warm and consquently, fog-free. Not just fog resistant, like those cheap-ass mirrors with a fog-free "coating" that lasts about 1.09 showers. So, with my new mirror installed, I shaved in the shower last night and noticed two things:

1. I have far more gray in my beard than I would have admitted to. But, it's there and the mirror magnified all of them.

2. I have really nice eyes. Which I'd been told, but seen that close up and magnified in my new mirror, well, it's a differnt perspective. Yeah, it's a little vain - but note that I started out with the negative first - gotta keep things in balance.

Also over the weekend I re-watched "Near Dark". A sort of vampire movie, but they never say "vampire" and they never show fang. When asked how old he is, the oldest vampire among them says - "Let's just say I fought for the South. We lost." Classic.

In still more random news... my tub is draining slowly again. Last nights shower ended with water in the tub just covering my feet. Time for more drain-o, it seems.

I worked on my taxes over the weekend. I used to use telefile, but they've shut that down. So, I tried the efile route - and was really pissed when I realized there was a charge for doing it. And my carefully itemized deductions were less than the standard - and therefore, worthless. And since I didn't have last year's with me, I had to print and sign a form to finalize the whole thing. Morons. Why would I go to all the trouble and fill everything out if it wasn't my own taxes?

And finally, I'm headed to the eye doctor this friday. Thinking about new glasses - and maybe switching to those for a while. Which is a little dumb considering I'm headed into sunny weather, but what the heck.

And that's about it - I've got two meetings today, both of which I'm dreading. And I've got a lot of web-pages to make, so it's time to get back to it...

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