Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Almost forgot. I had a dream last night that I was at my grandmother's house in Illinois and we were in the backyard - being freaked out by the literal army of zombies slowing heading our direction. I got the family that was with me inside and started to batten down the hatches.

There was a knock at the front door and it was a friend of my grandmother's - fortunately not zombified. I let her in and as I closed the door she said that her family was still in the van. I opened the door and sure enough - there was a mini-van full of people, just sitting there. I motioned for them to come inside and watched as they laboursly got out of the van. They were all wearing huge winter coats and carrying pastries, juice, and coffees.

Most of them got up on the porch and then just stood there - watching the zombies walk slowly up the street. I totally lost it at this point and started grabbing them by their coats and literally throwing them into the house. The lady on the stairs, who seemed more slack-jawed than the rest, was watching the zombies get closer and closer to her. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to reach her in time and decided that if she didn't move on her own and a zombie grabbed her - I was going to leave her and get my ass in the house.

The rest of the losers finally inside, I grabbed at her and managed to pull her inside with a few seconds left to close and bar the door - then realized I'd left all the potential weapons in the now inaccessible garage. I yelled at them for a few minutes in the living room and told them that if any of them did anything stupid, I'd cut them up and throw them back out there. They just looked at me and sipped their beverages.

Then I woke up - with a headache - and pissed off. Word to the wise, if the zombie horde ever rises up - you had damn well better listen to me when I tell you to move. 'Cause I'll leave you to them if you're worried about spilling your cappichino.


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