Monday, January 05, 2009

usurper , email

So, I'm swimming along today with a goal of 32 laps and I've got about 4 to go when I see a girl at the other end of the pool get into the lane next to mine. Which is no biggie, though I think spreading out is a little better since it cuts down on the wake. Moments later, another girl gets into the pool - into my lane.

Now, see, this is awkward. While there's no assigned lanes, I always check carefully to make sure I'm not getting in someone else's lane. And I'm not casual about it - even with my not great vision without my glasses, I never usurp anyone else.

But here she is, with her little kickboard, all ready to go. I'm charging down the lane towards her at full power, then come to a stop not far way and wait to see if she notices me and her error. Either she was really, painfully, clueless or she just didn't care. So, I dove under the rope and switched lanes.

Now, I'm pretty sure she wanted that lane so she could swim with her friend since they spent part of the time at the wall chatting. If she had waited a moment until I got down to the end of the lane and asked if I would move - I would have without any problem. Instead, she just took over the lane.

Next time, unless I'm sure the person is visually impaired, I'm not giving up the lane and they'll just have to share - and stay out of my way.

In other news... my boss is considering having me take over the email account. Hugh increase in responsibilty, no increase in authority or pay. :)

Even though it's more work, it's still pretty cool. I think I'll forgo the title - Master of Space and Time is far better anyway.

I'm headed out early today to go give blood, so this is it for me.


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