Monday, January 12, 2009

dinner, wii, neck, hair

On Saturday, I went out to dinner with some friends for an early birthday celebration. I made them promise not to mention it was my birthday coming up to the server since I despise the false hoopla that these places try for. We had a nice time and talked a little about an upcoming trip a couple of them were taking to Europe. I had the simple salmon - which was pretty good, but over-grilled a bit.

On Sunday, after checking a variety of stores in the area, I finally found a Wii at Target. It was the only one in stock and I stopped my shopping at that point and quickly bought it before someone else scooped it up.

I got it set up at home without too much trouble - though it's not well integrated into the rest of the electronics set up at this point - and played a game I also bought along with the Wii sports. I did pretty well with the boxing, but my room-mate won all the bowling matches.

My tempur-pedic pillow - that I got a few years ago as with some money I won as part of an award at work - is starting to let me down. Or my head was too warm last night. In any case, the pillow didn't support my neck and head well and I woke up with a horrible neck pain and headache. I took some motrin and went into work anyway since today is the first day of class and I was needed here. I'm much better this afternoon, but still happy that the day is almost done.

I'm also glad I'll soon be able to put my hat back on since my hair has grown out enough to be affected by the combination of a wet head and a stocking cap - which occured right after my swim today. I've been avoiding a mirror so i don't know how bad it looks, but I can feel that it's not behaving - especially in the back.

Finally, my birthday is tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it, exactly, but I don't feel how I expected 36 would feel. The gray hair and bald-spot make me look older than I am, but the swimming and other exercise keeps me from feeling it. Except for last week - I felt really old last week. Dunno why, must have just been tired.

Well I guess this is one of those posts where not much happened. Hey, they can't all be amazingly well written. Anyway, time to go home.


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