Tuesday, January 20, 2009

lightning, visit, wii, laundry

I had a dream the other night that I was living in Upper Arlington, Ohio and was looking out the window at a huge storm coming in.  I could see a hot air balloon show being swept along towards the house - some of the balloons had cars where the baskets should be.   I stepped outside to get a better look and after a moment I noticed a static electricity  feeling in my hands.  I raised my hand, brought two fingers together and when I drew them apart I saw blue electricity arc between.   The feeling got worse and I ran back towards the house.  I took about three steps and a bolt of lightning struck right behind me.  I realized I had actually run into and through the spot where it was going to strike.  I woke up then, a little shaken.

Back in the real world, I had a visit from my parents and my sister and brother in law.  They came up on Saturday morning and we hung out for a bit before heading to Cici's for pizza and then a brief stop at target.   Back at home, we played Wii for much of the afternoon - and everyone got a kick out of the Mii's (virtual version's of people) I had made for them.  We headed out later for an early dinner, but Ruby Tuesday's had an hour long wait - so, we went to Steak and Shake instead and that had a bit of a wait too - but not as long.   They headed out not long after we got back from dinner - so, a bit of a short visit, but a good one.

Except that they didn't entirely leave.  I was playing Wii bowling last evening and noticed my parent's Mii-s standing in the background at the bowling lane.   Not really surprising since I made the Mii-s on my system and the Mii-s are used as the characters in the Wii Sports - but it was still pretty cool.  

I've worn out the batteries on my Wii-mote controller already.  It was bound to happen, but it was sooner than I expected.  Looks like I need to switch to the rechargeable.   I'm really enjoying the boxing.

I spent much of the day yesterday doing laundry and doing a little work from home.  Not the most exciting day off, but it was strangely peaceful.

back to work today... time to check the email and get busy.

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