Wednesday, April 23, 2008

nightmare, tattoo, lights

I had a dream last night that I was behind a desk in a hotel and the lobby was filled with zombies. I was with a few other people and we were unnoticed until one of the zombies exploded and their "juices" flew everywhere. They hit some of us and a woman in my group screamed - alerting the zombies to our presence. We managed to fight them off, but it was too late - I was already infected. The group forced me to leave before I turned, so I struck out on my own. In a short amount of time, while wandering the streets, I turned into a zombie, but managed to keep my intelligence through an effort of will. I was a zombie, but I could control myself. I didn't really get much time to figure out what it meant before I woke up.

My tattoo - you know, the one I got back on march 27? - was actually starting to heal. And then last night I flexed my wrist and I felt something tear. It was a scab and I started to bleed. I got it bandaged up and put more neosporin on it, but it's still annoying.

Yesterday at lunch I put up some foam board instead of the blue transparency. Worked really well. So much so, that my co-worker wanted it set up in his cube as well. We're both prone to light-induced headaches and I'm hoping this helps. I'm also going to offer this to the rest of the crew - but I'll need to get more foam-board.

That's it for now...

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