Monday, April 14, 2008

glass, injury, game, computer

One of my favorite books - Snow Crash - has a character that gets weapons past all kinds of security by making them out of glass. His favorites are glass knives and harpoons. So, in keeping with my bad-ass image of making my own weapons, I decided to make a glass knife. I had some glass left over from a stained glass project and carefully chipped it into shape- then made a wooden holder and wrapped it with some leather code to hold it into place. Not a bit of metal in it. Now, I'm not going to try and sneak it past a metal detector, but it was an interesting exercise.

And it works too - while I was putting it together I accidentally cut my finder on the edge and got a good bleeding going. Direct pressure and a band-aid took care of it - but it was a somewhat dangerous weekend for me. The tattoo still hasn't finished healing, I got the glass cut, and I cut my self shaving last evening. No hospital trips, so I'm doing okay.

Been playing a fun game on the computer - Divine Divinity. The title has really nothing to do with the game, it's a standard hack and slash adventure RPG. Lots of fun though and the quests are interesting. I've gotten my butt kicked several times, but I'm playing a lot more methodically and working my way through the orc army. I'm also saving more frequently, which is helping with my temper when my computer crashes.

Speaking of which, I had to download another fix for Norton anti-virus. Buggiest piece of software I've seen in a long time. It kept shutting down with a cryptic error message - I finally tracked it down and got the fix installed.

A pretty quiet weekend otherwise, watched some DVD's and did some reading. Oh, and I made some soap too.


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