Monday, April 07, 2008

churches, paint, mulch, hello, tattoo, game, movies

My room-mate and I ended up lost over the weekend - not my fault and I don't want to go into it - but the main part of the story is that we ended up in an area with a very large number of churches. A disproportionally high number - must have been 12-15 within a mile radius. Not just a few one-room-here-drink-this-kool-aid places, there was a huge church and a good sized catholic church as well. My first thought - doubtlessly from years of too much Stephen King and Clive Barker - was "something terrible must have happened here". Couldn't figure why else there would be so many churches in a small area like this.

On the drive into work I saw some new graffiti - stenciled onto a support post under a bridge. Normally, I'm pretty disdainful of stenciled graffiti - if you're going to be a vandal, at least be creative about and do your own work - but this was pretty clever. It said "Waste of Paint".

Springtime around here means a weird mix of warmth and cold. The weekend was nice and I got a little sun. Spring also means mulch and the campus is covered in it. It looks great, but the entire campus smells like manure. At headache inducing levels. Still, the mulch will stay and the smell will fade, so I guess we can wait it out.

One of the grounds crew was doing a little sweeping up as I came in this morning. I said hello and she responded with a very cheery hello right back. I came inside and said hello to one of my colleagues - who completely ignored me. There are several in the building that do that. They don't make eye contact and they don't respond. I mean, I know we're geeks and all, but at least say hello or something. sheesh.

My tattoo is not healing well. I think the return to swimming was soon and it's still irritated and scabbing. I put some neosporin on it last night and wrapped it - I'm hoping it gets better today. I brought my gear, but I think I may skip my swim.

I played a new game over the weekend - divine divinity. Standard RPG, but only three classes. I started off with the "thief" - though they call it the "survivor". I did okay, but only by chugging potions every time I fought a monster. Decided to start again with the warrior and I'm kicking a lot more ass - I'm also better at solving the quests and I haven't failed any of those yet.

Watched a couple movies over the weekend - Hitman and Black Sheep. Really good stuff. Hitman was a lot of fun - pretty good, if simple, story and lots of great action and explosions. Black Sheep was scary, gross, and funny. Very funny in some parts. Genetically engineered carnivore sheep, were-sheep, mad scientists, plucky hero with a sheep-phobia - what's not to love?

Finally, I watched 30 Days of Night last week. Really good show - one of the best vampire flicks I've seen in a long time.

Guess that's it for now. I'm not really looking forward to work this week, but I'll get through it.


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