Friday, April 25, 2008

lunch, dreams

I had a somewhat stressful and - in my eyes - overly long meeting yesterday just before lunch. When asked if I had somewhere I had to be at a certain time since I kept glancing at my watch, I replied, "well, I'm getting hungry". The crew waited for me and we headed over to Chipotle - I drove since there were 4 of us and I have the 4 door car. I was still stressed from the meeting and cranky at the drivers and at the long line since we were running later than usual.

But, one of my coworkers bought me lunch since I had helped him out with a lighting issue. And I got a Sprite+lemonade+lime wedge drink that was excellent. And the actual burrito was excellent. The parking situation threatened to push me over into a bad mood, but the good stuff and the bad stuff of my lunch excursion neatly balanced out and left me with a sort of null mood.

Had some messed up dreams this morning.

1. Dreamed that I was at a large picnic, waiting for a military helicopter to land to pick me up. I had a large backpack with a lot of paper and books in case I got bored. The helicopter landed, scattering the picnickers and I got on. The huge helicopter took off and one airborne I set down my bag and wandered back to the breakroom, past the kitchen. Yes, it was that big. The soldiers there were asking me about the mission and I told them I had no idea. I explained that I had gotten a letter saying that I was to report to a specific area and get picked up by a helicopter. I told them I figured it might have been a joke until I saw the actual helicopter. They were very surprised that I was a civilian and had no training or special skills. The conversation sort of stopped at that point and we sat quietly and waited.

2. The second dream was a just a fragment - I was in engineering on the starship voyager trying to help the them navigate at high speed through a region of space that was almost filled with solid mathematical representations of their ship and a borg cube. Once we got through that - and it was amazing to watch - I headed to the mess hall and watched while the cast of Angel tried to reason with the teen-aged clones of themselves. Very odd.


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