Saturday, June 03, 2006

paying rent, origami, long week

So, on Friday, I did what should have been an easy task- paying my rent. I went during the day instead of after work, since I didn't want to fight the traffic. I got called into my boss's off just before I headed out to lunch and that delayed me a bit. The weather was a bit rainy, but I made it to the landlord's office without too much trouble.

But then the trouble began. Half the parking lot was blocked off - a photographer was taking photos of young women. The building where the landlord's office is located also has a modeling agency. Yes, in Akron. Who knew? Anyway, I think they were connected and I was annoyed. But then, you already knew that.

So, I get past Miss Teen Trollup USA and...

Okay, so maybe I'm being to harsh on these girls. Just because they were wearing Daisy Dukes made out of sweatshirt material and midriff baring matching tank tops is no reason to think they are anything less than Mensa inductees.

I find a parking space and head for the entrance. Which is also blocked off by yet another photographer and half a dozen similarly clad young women. They weren't taking a photo that particular instant, so I got past them, down the hall, and into the landlords office.

And there's no one at the front desk. So, I wait a few moments. And then a few more moments. And then, just for fun, a few more moments.

On the desk is a bell - which I hate ringing. I don't like the noise, for one, and I also don't like what it implies. If there's a bell, there should be someone there who's job it is to see that I don't have to ring the bell.

Yes, I'm aware that's circular logic. Let's just roll with it.

So, I ring the bell and no one shows up. I wait a bit longer, then a guy walks past the desk and past me on the way to send a fax. It takes him a while and on the way back he finally notices me. I explain that I'm paying my rent and that I don't like just leaving a check lying around. He takes the check and I head out. Only to be stopped at the main door by another Trollup Girl (tm) who's standing guard while a picture is being taken. Since I've have to knock her aside to get past her and I'm ever so slightly not quite annoyed enough to do that, I wait. And growl. Quietly.

Picture taken, I can finally make my exit and head back though the lunch hour traffic to work.

In the movie Scanners, the people with special powers can make people's heads explode just by concenrating about it. They usually get a headache - and hey, I'm totally used to those. If someone knows where the super powers prize wheel is at today, please let me know. I've got a list of people that I'd like to try them out on.

In better news... more progress on the Origami. I'm well on my way to finishing the second tier and despite a couple of tense moments involving glue, paper, and some curse words that may or may not have been responsible for the explosive mushroom growth in the yard - I'm doing okay with it.

Even with the day off, it was still a long week. I'm glad I'm in the middle of the weekend - and that I've still got another day off. Later...

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