Thursday, June 08, 2006

wedding, buffett, origmai, dream

This will be a long post, got lots to cover.

First up, some cool news... my little sister is getting married! Her boyfriend proposed to her in a hot air balloon and since then it's been non-stop wedding maddness. It won't be until november, but she's got a lot of stuff to do. Fortunatly, our mom and her fiance are "planners" and should be able to help with much of the arrangements. I've been asked to be an usher and do some kind of origami for the reception tables. So, a big blog shout-out to my sister and her future husband.

Next up, a couple of days vacation. I took a couple of days off to go to Pittsburgh with some friends and see Jimmy Buffett in concert. Strangely enough, the concert itself wasn't as good as the last one I went to, but the events surrouding it were interesting.

1. Parking. We had to park literally as far away from the entrance as you could get. The only thing further away was the sewage treatment plant and a field. Being not a big fan of other humans, I was just as happy to avoid the crowds.

2. This also meant that there were no porta-toilets out there either. So we, and pretty much everyone else, had to use the field. Everyone was fairly cool about it. The women usually went in groups, or had a guy go with them to stand guard. The guys, myself included, tried to maintain some decorum based on how much alchol in their system. Since I don't drink, I was a perfect gentleman as much as can be possible when peeing in a field.

2b. There was also a couple that stood in the field for about 15-20 minutes, smoking weed. I was a little puzzled by this, then realized they'd "snuck off to the bathroom" to get high. We laughed at them.

2c. A helicopter kept circling the area. So, I might have made the local news while taking care of business in the field. Eh, it's buffett...

3. The trek to the entrance wasn't bad, but we were stopped at the front gate and checked for digital cameras. I had to unroll the blanket I was carrying and lift my shirt. Of course, I could have had a camera in any of the dozen pockets in my pants. Or I could have, potentially, had a camera phone like everyone else. I'd really like to see them stop people from bringing in their cell phones - the rioting would be hilarious to watch from a safe distance.

4. We found a good spot, but didn't realize it was the nexus of all beachballs. At a buffett concert, it's customary to throw around beachballs. And we got more than our fairshare. I'm fairly alert and didn't get hit unless I was ready for it, but others in my group tired of it quickly.

5. So the concert starts and then the thing that everyone said wasn't going to happen, happened. It began to rain. Now, I'm a big one for being prepared and despite words to the otherwise, I had a rain poncho. So, when it started to rain, what did I do?

I left my poncho in my pocket and took off my shirt. Hey, it's buffett - why would I care about a little rain? I tucked my shirt into the back of my pants and enjoyed it. Seems silly, but I had a plan. A wet poncho would be difficult to deal with the rest of the night and my skin would dry much faster than my shirt. So, if I got cold later, I could put on a dry shirt and be fine.

After a bit, the rain stopped and I kept my shirt off and enjoyed the weather and the show.

6. Later in the evening, but before it got really dark, I decided to head to the restroom. I'm not a fan of public restrooms in general and due to some amazing bladder control and careful fluid intake, I've never had to pee in a trough.

For those that have not seen the inside of a men's restroom in a large public venue - it's not pretty. There was a long line to get into the restroom, then a line to get to the long trough's on either side of the room. I found a spot that was only 2 deep and waited patiently. One guy couldn't wait and was peeing in a sink. The guy in front of me was having trouble walking and nearly fell over after he lost his balance as he zipped up. I caught him and helped push him in the general direction of the door.

I took care of my business and made my way to the exit. Later I heard a fight had broken out just after I left. Crazy.

7. I got back to the group without much trouble and was in plenty of time for the "Fins" song, which is amazing to see, and the "Volcano" which is fun to sing along with.

We left before the end of the show and made it out of the parking lot without much trouble - though our driver insisted on checking his cell-phone messages while trying to dodge pedestrians. Could have been ugly, but we were okay.

The next day was the drive back and a quiet evening at home.

New topic: Origami. Second tier of the project is done, I made good progress on tier three, but I think I'm going to need to do some more folding.

Finally, I had a dream last night that a system of travel had been created that involved reducing a person to dust, then putting them in a canister that bank tellers use - then sending then at high speeds through tubes or slower by UPS. At the other end they were re-hydrated and went about their lives without trouble. I used the system to move back into a college dorm-room since I was apparently going back to school.

We'll that's it for now, lots to catch up on. Back to work...

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