Tuesday, June 07, 2005

yip yap yip yap yip yip yap yap yip

My neighbors now have a dog. I'm not sure which ones have the dog or what the dog looks like. But I know what it sounds like.

Yip yap yap yip yap yap yap yip yip yip yip yap yip yap

I don't know where they got this dog - maybe the 5th circle of hell ("The angry") or maybe the 7th ("Violent against neighbors and fellow men"). In any case, I heard it last night while I was trying to sleep. I had the fan going and the windows open. A good cross breeze was just starting to form and I was headed to dreamland.

Yip yap yap yap yip yip yap yap yip

And then, just for variation...

Yap yip yip yip yap yap yip yip yap

And every so often, a plantitive howl at the moon. But, since it was only a small yapper dog, the howl at the moon was just a pathetic shadow of what a real dog could do.

Yap yap yip yip yap yap yap

After 20 minutes I considered closeing the window.

Yap yip yip yap yap yap


Another 10 minutes and I got up to get ear plugs.

20 minutes later and the dog finally YAPYAPYAPYAPYAPYIPYIPYIP (howl) YAP

Okay, 30 minutes later the dog finally shut up.


That one didn't count, but I left the earplugs in.

Now, I'm a dog person and I really like dogs. But this little yipper was getting on my nerves. Oh, and did I mention that it echoed between the two buildings so it sounded twice as loud? Well, it did.

Sleep was an elusive misteress last night - hell, let's just say it like it was. I was so ticked off from the noise that I didn't think it would ever come. And I tried everything - well, not everything, but enough of my tried and true methods of getting to sleep that I was really stressing. And apparently the stress of not being able to sleep tired me out enough that I eventually fell asleep.

This morning? I'm king of the yawns. Yea. And all I really want to do it go back home and sleep some more. Or maybe I'll just crawl under my desk.

Well, time to get back to work...

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