Friday, June 03, 2005

two phrases

Heard a song on the radio last evening - really liked the lyrics, but the station didn't identify what the song was. Fortunately, one line of the song stuck in my head and from that I was able to do a search this morning and locate the song:

"Breathe (2 AM)" - ANNA NALICK

The line that stuck in my head was:

"And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table."

Struck me as deeply profound - and yet a very simple and clear image. I don't normally buy CD's on the basis of one song, but I might break my rule for this one.

On the drive work this morning I went past a church with a sign out front. Normally, this has some kind of pseudo-meaningful phrase on it that is quickly absorbed and ignored. This time it said, "The truth doesn't hurt, unless it should."

What in the heck does that mean? Let's analyze some examples:

1. My shoes are black and green - Or - I'm wearing pants today.

Both of those are true and not painful in the least. In fact, I'm sure a few people around here are relieved at the second one.

2. I could stand to lose a little weight.

Yeah, that's true too. I think I'd be mildly cranky if someone walked up to me on the street and said that to me, but I wouldn't be emotionally scarred about it.

3. I'm slowly going bald.

That's true too, and while I'll just shave my head when it gets bad - some people would be horribly offended if someone said that to them. It might be true, but pointing out someone's flaws without trying to help them overcome them is just cruel. A few episodes of the Surreal Life with Da Brat are good examples of using a perceived truth to gain attention and just be cruel.

Did no one listen to Elvis? Hello? "Don't be cruel"

I still don't understand what they were trying to say in that sign.

Anyway, time to get back to work...

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