Thursday, June 02, 2005

I'm on a roll

So, yesterday, I head to the vending machine to be a late afternoon soda. I'm in need of a caffinee fix and the hot water for tea or hot chocolate has been shut down in the lunch room. I put my change in the machine and hit the button for "Pepsi". I'd much prefer Coca-Cola, but they don't stock that on campus. Instead of a satisfying "thunk", I see a little message on the screen- Selection Unavailable. It's then that I notice the little orange light. So, I hit the Lipton Iced Tea button and get the same message before noticing the light is on for that one too. The machine is nearly dripping with Pepsi logos - but it's only got one area for actual Pepsi dispensing. I could choose from a variety of Mountain Dew products instead, but I hoped to sleep at some point that night and didn't need that much caffinee. So, I get my money out of the machine and go to the juice machine next to it - figuring that if I can have caffinee, I should at least have something good for me. I choose the Peach Papya - which was luckily in stock - and headed back to my desk. It tasted funny and I checked the date - best if used by April of this year. So, I poured that out and had water. Not sure who I'm angy at - maybe the poor sap who fills the machines.

Then, driving home from work on the highway I get stuck behind a slow moving parade. I'm trapped there for several miles while we poke along at 20 mph and everyone else flies past at 65. Things finally clear out when the guilty party takes an exit. He's got his hazzards on and is creeping up the ramp. I don't know if he was having car problems or he's just a really timid driver, but he nearly caused some accidents by driving so slowly on a highway.

Today, I went over to an office to do some training for a staff member. I went up to the front desk and since no one was there, I rang the little bell. I don't like to do that since I don't really care for the noise in that situtation, but I had no other choice. After a few moments, a woman, she didn't walk, she slowly lurched around the corner. She had on a sweater over her shoulders and sandels on her feet and if I hadn't seen her breathing I would have thought she was undead by lack of expression her face. And you know how I feel about zombies.
I smiled, said good morning, and asked for the person I was there to train. She didn't speak, she just walked out of my view toward the security door and opened it for me. She asked if I knew where his office was and I told her no - so she lead me down into the depths (read: bowels) of the building's basement. My trainee wasn't there yet, so she introduced me to the other occupant of the basement and since he was cheerful I was a little more at ease. My guide headed back up the stairs. So, I waited a bit and plotted my escape routes in case she came back down for a "snack".

There's no real connection between any of these stories, so don't waste a lot of time trying to figure them out. It's just me being annoyed and we should all be used to that by now.

Time to get back to work...

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