Wednesday, June 15, 2005

warped time, rain, giving blood

I decided to give blood yesterday after work so, as is my usual plan, I went to Wendy's to get something to eat beforehand. Otherwise, I tend to get woosie. On the way to Wendy's the sky opened up and it just freaking poured. Not as bad as over the weekend, but still really intense for several miles, then it abruptly stopped. Very strange and a little unnerving - though it did wash the bird crap off my car.

Got to Wendy's and had a snack, then stopped to get gas, then on to the blood donation site.

The place was nearly empty, but unfortunatly that included staff as well. So, I had to wait until the one person ahead of me was nearly done before they got started with me. It was then that I noticed that the big clock in the room wasn't working right - the second hand was stuck to the minute hand. Looked really odd and upset my Master of Space and Time sensiblities.

Finally got through the history section and ovet to the donation area. Normally, I have no trouble with any part of giving blood, but this was not one of those times. First, the needle hurt going in. And it kept hurting, even after she pulled it nearly out and put a pad under my arm to change the angle. It got a little better but it was still kinda painful - like a sharp pinching sensation. Took slightly longer than usual to give the blood and the direct pressure didn't stop the bleeding right away. Finally got that under control and I got woosie. So, they had me lay back and elevated my feet - then put a cold cloth on my head. The site was starting to hurt again, so after my head felt better and I sat up, they gave me an ice pack to put on the site.

Meanwhile, the procedure for reporting a reaction had changed - there were new codes or something. So, there was a lot of hurrying around and such to figure out the new codes and how to report the fact that I felt woosie. Seemed a little weird. They took good care of me, but it was still mildly chaotic.

After a bit I felt well enough to go over to the canteen area and got myself a cookie and some juice. When that was done, I thanked them and they thanked me and I went home.

All the rest of the evening I felt sore and tired - which is unusual for me after I give blood. I skipped the shower last and went to bed early.

I'm dragging a little today, but at least I don't have any meetings.

Well, time to go answer some email.

One thing before I go. My experience with giving blood yesterday was not typical of me or of people in general and I strongly encourage everyone who can to go and give blood. Check out the red cross's site for more information.

Back to work...

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