Wednesday, May 04, 2005

red lights and a trip for tools

So, I get out of work late yesterday cause too many things happened at the last minute. I've got a map and an advertising flyer in my hand - I'm on a hunt for water pumps for my Dad; he likes to build fountains. The sale price is excellent, so I'm on my way.

The map and directions are okay in that I eventually find my way there, but not okay in that I'm pretty much feeling lost the entire time. While on the way there I see something I've never seen before. A white van pulls up next to me at a red light, pauses, then goes ahead and runs the light. No lights or sirens, he just ran the light. Fortunatly, the intersection was clear and he went on to the next one. Up ahead, I could see the van change lanes before he got to the next intersection - everyone was stopped there at a red light. He pulled behind the person waiting to turn left, went around them on the left (putting him the opposing lane of traffic) and then crossed the intersection - and the light was still red. I could see a third intersection that was fortunatly green that he went on through, then I lost track of him since I was turning left now that my light was green.

People make mistakes and sometimes don't process a red light in time to get stopped. If they're lucky, they get through without hurting themselves or anyone else. This guy, though, knew exactly what was going on - and he was a traffic accident waiting to happen.

I arrived at my destination unscathed, found what I was looking for, and headed home. The ride home was a little intense as well since I've been trying to drink a lot more water through the day and it was having an effect. But, I got past that okay too.

So, that was my adventure yesterday. And when I got home, I baked a bunch of cookies.

And now it's time to get back to work...

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